*21 Day Fix Review & Results*

Hello everyone!  I know that it has been awhile since I have posted last.  I am working on building up my business more and getting in touch with my team so that we can grow together. =)  Also, having a full energized, happy 8 month old is keeping me busy as well lol.

Anyways, I would LOVE to share my journey of doing the 21 Day Fix program as a Beachbody Coach.  I started on Monday March 10th and today is my last day, Sunday March 30th.  I absolutely loved it because I got to learn how to eat right and portion control.  For those who don't know me, I love love love fitness and have a passion for it, but nutrition on the other hand is hard for me.  I love food, but have always had issues with over eating and portions.  Did I mention that I have a very big sweet tooth as well?  I had my baby boy 8 months ago and had success by following the home fitness program T25 (Click here for more info on T25) and eating well.  I lost all the baby weight plus more, but wanted to tone up even more after I was done. Soon after I finished, Beachbody came out with the 21 Day Fix.  I was very interested but knew that I need the accountability to stay motivated and dedicated to sticking to this.  I have a great friend who had a baby around the time that I did and is also a fitness buff.  We have a lot in common, and she also has a love for food so we thought it would be perfect if we did this program together.

My program came in the mail and I was SO excited when I opened it up!  It came with a lot of stuff and was excited to see what the eating plan was like and how to use these little colored containers.  The next day I went grocery shopping to get ready to start and make sure that I had all the ingredients I needed (for the first week at least.)

I then took that day to portion everything out so on my work days it was super easy to take and go and mark down on the list of what I was eating.  Preparation is key and will only help you succeed.  If you don't have the right foods in your house, you won't stick with it and be tempted to eat the not so good stuff.  Sorry hubby, but I couldn't be buying you any doritos at this time lol.

The fitness programs were so fun!  They are all around 30 minutes and it comes with 2 dvd with 9 workouts.  For some reason they go so fast, and the best part is...there is a modifier!  So if you are just beginning to workout, are overweight and need to lose 50+, or are more advanced with your fitness this will be perfect for you!  You need a set of light weights, heavier weights and a yoga or cushioned mat.  I used 5 and 8 pound dumbbells.  Here are some pictures off of my fitness Instagram page of me working out..

And here are some of my meals/snacks that I had..

Here are my transformation pictures with this program! And I have to admit, I am like any normal human being and had my good friends, son's 1st birthday yesterday so I indulged in some naughty food lol.  But, I am happy to say that it didn't alter too much ;)

3/10                                                         3/30
Weight: 117.1                                         119.4
L arm: 9.5"                                              9"
R arm: 9.5"                                             9.5"
L leg: 19.25"                                           19"
R leg: 19"                                                19"
Chest: 36"                                               35.5"
Waist: 30.5"                                            29.25"
Belly Button: 32"                                    31"
Biggest Part (around stomach): 34"        33.5"
Hips: 34.5"                                              34.5"

I lost 4" total and gained 2.3 pounds!  I believe this shows that muscle weighs more than fat.  This is a great example of that because you can tell that I don't look bigger in these after pics, just more toned even though I weigh more.  This is why I stress not jumping on the scale all the time and just go off of your measurements, pictures and how your clothes fit.  If I would have been going off of the scale and never kept track of the pics and measurements I would be really discouraged.  But once you place them side by side you can tell the difference and I feel amazing!

This program is great for anyone who wants to learn how to eat right and to learn portion control.  the fitness part of it is perfect for beginners or the advanced and is only 30 minutes a day!  I will be running at least one 21 Day Fix private challenge group each month to keep that group accountable and motivated throughout the 3 weeks.  You will need to purchase a challenge pack which is the discounted package of the 21 Day Fix program and your first month of Shakeology in any flavor you choose.  Definitely email me for more info and details on this great program.  I suggest getting a hold of me before you order so I can help you choose the best flavor of Shakeology that is right for you and to help you get ready for it.  
You can see what is all included by clicking this link ~~~~~>  21 Day Fix challenge pack

My email is page.jaimee@yahoo.com  :)
Follow me on Instagram for meal ideas and fitness motivation @PageMFitness